Valab®, intelligent autoverification solution for medical laboratories
With no equivalent on the market, Valab® automates the postanalytical phase through the verification of the tests results
Valab® makes your laboratory more efficient

Laboratory quality specialists
Helping you in healthcare quality approach for the accreditation ISO 15189

Laboratory IT specialists
Building together structured project

Valab® - Turnkey and flexible expert system for validation in the healthcare field
Developed from research into artificial intelligence applied to medical biology, the Valab® expert system performs combinatorial autoverification of your lab results.
With over 25,000 autoverification rules, accessible and customisable, Valab® ensures robust combinatorial medical validation
The Valab® software supports a set of standard tests that you can build on thanks to our Additional Tests catalogue.
Over 350 multi-site structures trust in Valab® to improve their Quality.
In existence since 1991, the Valab® software automatically verifies over 800 000 reports per day!
Our customersVALAB - A passionate and multidisciplinary team
We are specialists in medical biology in the lab, knowledge modeling, research and development, Quality, customer support, training, sales consulting and administrative management, and we are constantly working to improve our product and our services.