The VALAB company is by your side every step of the way
The VALAB company is the publisher of the Valab® computer-aided medical biology validation software.
A long history of autoverification expertise
Valab® has existed for over 30 years. It is a tried and tested product which today automatically verifies over 700 000 patients' reports every day for more than 350 multi-site structures.
Born in 1986 as a research project at the Rangueil University Hospital in Toulouse, France, the first prototype of the software appeared in 1988. The first production version came out in 1991.
For nearly fifteen years, the EREMS company, based in Flourens, near Toulouse, developed and marketed the Valab® software solution.
In 2004, our company, VALAB, was created with the aim of focusing all of its efforts on the development and marketing of the Valab® product.
Quality first
VALAB, a passionate and multidisciplinary team.
Specialists in medical biology in the lab, knowledge modeling, research and development, Quality, customer support, training, sales consulting and administrative management, we work tirelessly to continually improve our product and our services.
Our one aim is to ensure the best possible experience for the users of Valab®.
Certified ISO 9001 since it was founded, the VALAB company puts rigour and quality at the forefront of its commitment.
An international presence
Strongly established in France and in Europe, with a presence also in Africa, our Valab® expert system is widely used beyond the French borders.
Present in France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Algeria and Morocco, we would like other countries to enjoy the benefits of Valab®.
Spreading the word about our software product internationally has become a strategic priority for our company.
Multilingual, our software product and its documentation are available in French, English and German.
In Benelux, the Valab® product is distributed by the Werfen company.
The Dedalus company is our partner in Italy.
Talk to our Sales Team
Find out more about the Valab® expert system, get advice on technical and medical biology questions and ISO 15189 accreditation.
+33 (0) 531 083 499
A long history of autoverification expertise
Valab® has existed for over 30 years. It is a tried and tested product which today automatically verifies over 700 000 patients' reports every day for more than 350 multi-site structures.
Born in 1986 as a research project at the Rangueil University Hospital in Toulouse, France, the first prototype of the software appeared in 1988. The first production version came out in 1991.
For nearly fifteen years, the EREMS company, based in Flourens, near Toulouse, developed and marketed the Valab® software solution.
In 2004, our company, VALAB, was created with the aim of focusing all of its efforts on the development and marketing of the Valab® product.
Quality first
VALAB, a passionate and multidisciplinary team.
Specialists in medical biology in the lab, knowledge modeling, research and development, Quality, customer support, training, sales consulting and administrative management, we work tirelessly to continually improve our product and our services.
Our one aim is to ensure the best possible experience for the users of Valab®.
Certified ISO 9001 since it was founded, the VALAB company puts rigour and quality at the forefront of its commitment.
An international presence
Strongly established in France and in Europe, with a presence also in Africa, our Valab® expert system is widely used beyond the French borders.
Present in France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Algeria and Morocco, we would like other countries to enjoy the benefits of Valab®.
Spreading the word about our software product internationally has become a strategic priority for our company.
Multilingual, our software product and its documentation are available in French, English and German.
In Benelux, the Valab® product is distributed by the Werfen company.
The Dedalus company is our partner in Italy.